The Lego Movie 2014
A house divided against itself... would be better than this!
#ff92369f / read by Shriram-60
Hey, I didn't draw that. Is that me exploding?
#fe8f8a1e / read by Shriram-60
I have no experience fighting, leading or making plans.
#fde7ea89 / read by Shriram-60
Because the only thing anyone needs to be special is to believe that you can be.
Oh, so you've never heard of the prophecy?
#f85dda83 / read by Shriram-60
Let's take extra care to follow the instructions or you'll be put to sleep, and don't forget Taco Tuesday's coming next week.
Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones. Those we push down deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them!
Isn't there supposed to be a good cop?
#ed2297d5 / read by Shriram-60
No, actually it's a highly sophisticated inter-locking brick system.
#eb367151 / read by Shriram-60
I watch a lot of cop shows on TV...
#ea802b5f / read by Shriram-60
Ah, we gotta write all that down 'cause I'm not gonna remember any of it, but here we go.
You need to be more friendly!
#e86cec3d / read by Shriram-60
Hi, buddy! I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer! Would you like a glass of water?
Ideas so dumb and bad that no one would ever think they could possibly be useful.
Please calm yourselves Green Ninja, Milhouse, Nice Vampire, Michelangelo, Michelangelo, and Cleopatra.
I watched Lord Business' forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it!
I don't think he's ever had an original thought... in his life.
#e14c0138 / read by Shriram-60
Because the world depends on it.
#de4a9e6e / read by Shriram-60
The box for this one said 'Ages 8 to 14'!
#dcf1cf73 / read by Shriram-60
_If_ this relationship is going to work out between us I need to feel free to party with a bunch of strangers whenever I feel like it.
You don't have to be the bad guy.
#da26fcd5 / read by Shriram-60
Do you know what kind of sunburn I'm going to get?
#d937f1e8 / read by Shriram-60
Yeah, but it's gonna look really cool.
#d5c6868c / read by Shriram-60
Look at what you did when you believed you were special. You just need to believe it some more.
That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. Anyway, that's cool.
We are from the planet Duplo, and we're here to destroy you.
#bd7c547c / read by Shriram-60
But as unspecial as I am, you are a thousand-billion times more unspecial than me!
I only work in black and sometimes very, very dark grey.
#b7eb951b / read by Shriram-60
But just in case... tell me the whole thing again, I wasn't listening.
#b7e62479 / read by Shriram-60
.. and yet, your mind is already so prodigiously empty that there is nothing in it to clear away in the first place.
Wildstyle, you're such an amazing person.
#b286a1a5 / read by Shriram-60
Great. I think I got it.
#b1cd35bc / read by Shriram-60
Unikitty, you're supposed to follow the instructions, remember?
#ae8d573b / read by Shriram-60
MasterBuilders spend years training themselves to clear their minds enough to have even a fleeting glimpse of The Man Upstairs ..
I mean it's not like a big gigantic ship is just going to come out of nowhere and save US by gosh.
I did. I am Ghost Vitruvius. Oooooh. Emmet, you didn't let me finish earlier because I died.
You have a great day too, President Business. Man, he's such a cool guy.
I hope there's still some 'good cop' in me.
#8d3810a0 / read by Shriram-60
None, 'cause I'm covered in latex, but you guys are going to get seriously fried.
That's not true. For instance, one time I wanted a bunch of my friends over to watch TV, not unlike this TV that just showed up magically.
We're about to crash into the sun.
#81147724 / read by Shriram-60
You know the rules, this isn't a toy!
#80c3f881 / read by Shriram-60
Introducing the double decker couch! So everyone could watch TV together and be buddies!
And there's also no consistency.
#7ffcd3db / read by Shriram-60
I'm just gonna come right out, I have no idea what's going on or what this place is at all.
And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special. And so am I. And so is everyone.
Emmet, you had a vision.
#73ec67d5 / read by Shriram-60
There's no government, no baby sitters, no bedtimes, no frowny faces, no bushy mustaches, and no negativity of any kind.
Hey, not so special anymore, huh? Well guess what? No one ever told me I was special!
You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe.
You were found at the construction site convulsing with a strange piece.
And, you know, if Batman can't see that then he's just , well, he's just as blind as a guy whose eyes stopped working.
Hi, I'm President Business, president of the Octan corporation and the world.
And what those big words in the sky were all about? And, like, where we are... in time?
And Octan, they make good stuff: music, dairy products, coffee, TV shows, surveillance systems, all history books, voting machines... wait a minute!
Including but not limited to Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady, Gandalf, Swamp Creature, 1980s Something Space Guy...
Come with me if you want to not die.
#3e84a66b / read by Sreekanth-08
And you... still... can change everything.
#3dce2456 / read by Sreekanth-08
It's not personal, just business... Lord Business.
#39ae1172 / read by Sreekanth-08
Hi! I'm Ben, but you can call me Benny, and I can build a Spaceship! Watch!
#38d964db / read by Sreekanth-08
Let's take extra care to follow the instructions,
#372e94a6 / read by Sreekanth-08
The reason I made up the prophecy was because I knew that whoever found the piece could become the special.
Today will not be known as Taco Tuesday. It will be known as freedom Friday, but still on a Tuesday!
I never got a trophy just for showing up! I'm not some special little snowflake! No!
Marry a marshmallow.
#271ad687 / read by Subhajit-81
President Business is going to end the world? But he's such a good guy!
You know, I don't want to spoil the party but, does anyone notice that we're stuck in the middle of the ocean on this couch?
And, by the way, I have a boyfriend.
#16984cca / read by Sreekanth-08
And not everybody can fit on my one couch, and I thought to myself, well, what if there's such a thing as a bunkbed but as a couch?
The Special will now give an eloquent speech.
#043a541c / read by Subhajit-81