Taken 2008
You won't even know I'm there. I'm very good at being invisible.
#fdb3933c / read by Subhajit-81
Mom said your job made you paranoid.
#f614132f / read by Shriram-60
Based on what they know about the way these groups operate, our analyst says you have a ninety-six hour window from the time she was grabbed.
You'd turn on a switch - power wouldn't come on, and then tempers would get short.
This is a business. This is a very unique business with a very unique clientele.
But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
You mean it looks boring.
#e27f91e1 / read by Shriram-60
I wish I could, honestly. I'm, I'm a father, myself.
#e0b8faa5 / read by Shriram-60
I was told I have 96 hours. That was sixteen hours ago.
#da35a61b / read by Shriram-60
A friend gave this to me. It's Albanian. You mind translating it?
#d40eacbb / read by Shriram-60
I would sacrifice anything for her.
#d1f41b32 / read by Shriram-60
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want.
#cd2085e8 / read by Shriram-60
If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money.
#cab8f7d2 / read by Shriram-60
You sacrificed our marriage to the service of the country, you've made a mess of your life in the service of your country, can't you sacrifice a little one time for your own daughter?
#c57c505a / read by Subhajit-81
Am I on speaker or are you by yourself?
#c2283252 / read by Shriram-60
These taxis are so damn expensive! Want to share?
#c03df027 / read by Shriram-60
Really? Who's Beyonce?
#bc2b2e23 / read by Shriram-60
But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career.
#bc021c50 / read by Subhajit-81
Your arrogance offends me. And for that the rate just went up 10%.
#b6b9cae0 / read by Subhajit-81
Just like the old days.
#b536abaa / read by Shriram-60
But here, the power's stable.
#b30e5f24 / read by Shriram-60
You have a lease agreement with NetJet through one of your shell companies.
#ae75b301 / read by Subhajit-81
If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you.
#ae1b5815 / read by Subhajit-81
Between you and me, no. But now that I sit behind a desk, the world looks different.
#a2d355cd / read by Subhajit-81
Are you focused yet?
#a1a38fc2 / read by Shriram-60
I'm retired, not dead.
#9eb9cbe2 / read by Shriram-60
You don't have to worry.
#95dd331f / read by Shriram-60
Well, my job made me aware.
#94beecc8 / read by Shriram-60
Acid drips on bare skin.
#9093395d / read by Shriram-60
I don't think a seventeen-year-old should be traveling alone.
#884bd48b / read by Shriram-60
I push one button and 38 agents are here before you have time to scratch your worthless balls.
#813229e5 / read by Subhajit-81
And I assume you don't want to go to the police.
#7d7507a0 / read by Shriram-60
People would resort to pulling fingernails.
#786bb56b / read by Subhajit-81
Bryan, try not to make a mess!
#77c4a48c / read by Shriram-60
Wake up! I need you to be focused!
#768e3176 / read by Shriram-60
Please understand... it was all business. It wasn't personal.
#6cbd0160 / read by Subhajit-81
I believe you. But that won't save you.
#68ec5e2b / read by Shriram-60
You know, we used to outsource this kind of thing.
#6824abdf / read by Subhajit-81
I have a daughter who wants to be a singer. I was wondering if you have any tips for her.
#63322244 / read by Subhajit-81
I have two sons and daughter but let me tell you something mister.. whoever you are.
#621bc271 / read by Subhajit-81
You come to this country, take advantage of the system and think because we are tolerant that we are weak and helpless.
#586798a0 / read by Subhajit-81
I know the world, sweetie.
#4f698e6b / read by Shriram-60
She and her friend were marked by a spotter at the airport. Albanians took her.
#422e423b / read by Subhajit-81
Jean Claude, I will tear down the Eiffel Tower if I have to.
#3a6366c9 / read by Subhajit-81
But what we found was the countries we outsourced to had unreliable power grids. Very Third World.
#3a3307f0 / read by Subhajit-81
It wasn't until my daughter disappeared in Paris yesterday.
#39b80dc7 / read by Subhajit-81
Here, you can flip a switch and the power stays on all day.
#3840fa20 / read by Subhajit-81
I'm not comfortable with this.
#3657bc42 / read by Shriram-60
Get me a plane to Paris.
#2b9bbe26 / read by Subhajit-81
It was all personal to me.
#257b82e8 / read by Shriram-60
That's like telling water not to be wet, sweetie.
#241d516a / read by Subhajit-81
So I heard you want to be a singer?
#192b5f35 / read by Subhajit-81
Now's not the time for dick measuring, Stuart!
#1540b3c6 / NSFW / read by Subhajit-81
I mean different. Okay, a little boring. But is being retired any more interesting?
#13635d38 / read by Subhajit-81
Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
#12f41fb1 / read by Subhajit-81
You either give me what I need or this switch will stay on until they turn the power off for lack of payment on the bill.
#1058297e / read by Subhajit-81
The whole exercise would become counterproductive.
#0eac9630 / read by Subhajit-81
Here, there's a nice even flow.
#0ca4e1cb / read by Shriram-60
You don't remember me? We spoke on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you.
#0b5d0dd2 / read by Subhajit-81
That is what happens when you sit behind a desk. You forget things, like the weight in the hand of a gun that's loaded and one that's not.
#0678a0ed / read by Subhajit-81